University of Missouri-Columbia2013 Institution Survey

Sites of writing--General Description

Does your institution have an official writing program or department? (n=671)


What is the institutional home of the writing program or department? (n=248)

independent program

Does your institution have first-year writing? (n=673)


Is first-year writing part of the writing program or department? (n=646)


If not part of the writing program or department, what is the institutional home for first-year writing? (n=377)

English department

Does your institution have writing across the curriculum (WAC)? (n=671)


Is WAC part of the writing program or department? (n=306)


If not part of the writing program or department, what is the institutional home for WAC? (n=227)

Independent program

Does your institution have writing in the disciplines (WID)? (n=674)


Is writing in the disciplines part of the writing program or department? (n=265)


Does your institution have an undergraduate writing major? (n=673)


Is the undergraduate writing major part of the writing program or department? (n=263)


If not part of the writing program or department, what is the institutional home for the undergraduate writing major? (n=196)

Independent program

Does your institution have an undergraduate writing minor? (n=676)


Is the undergraduate writing minor part of the writing program or department? (n=352)


If not part of the writing program or department, what is the institutional home for the undergraduate minor? (n=246)

Independent program

Does your institution have a graduate program in writing/rhetoric? (n=677)


Is the graduate program part of the writing program or department? (n=157)


If not part of the writing program or department, what is the institutional home for the graduate writing program? (n=114)

English department

Does your institution have a writing center or learning center with writing tutors? (n=679)


Is the writing center part of the writing program or department? (n=654)


If not part of the writing program or department, what is the institutional home for the writing center? (n=487)

Office of Chief Academic Officer

Does your institution have a basic writing program? (n=675)


Is the basic writing program part of the writing program or department? (n=357)


If not part of the writing program or department, what is the institutional home for the basic writing program? (n=249)

Independent program

Sites of writing--Writing Requirement

Does your institution have a writing requirement? (n=668)


What does the writing requirement at your institution consist of? (n=638)

First-year composition predominately taught by English and/or Writing department (FYC)

Mid-level writing course

Writing-intensive courses that are located throughout the curriculum (W courses)

Writing in the major


Senior thesis or capstone experience


What other writing requirements does your institution have?

Basic requirement is that students must have 6 hours (minimum) of writing intensive credits to graduate.

Are there curricular requirements that are not part of the writing requirement but that have writing as an explicit goal? (n=657)


What curricular requirements have writing as an explicit goal? (n=342)

A senior capstone/thesis for some or all students has writing as an explicit goal.

There are other requirements where writing is an explicit goal.

Sites of writing--College Writing Goals

Are there college-wide student writing goals? (n=660)


Have the goals been influenced by the WPA Outcomes Statement? (n=377)


How are the college-wide student writing goals assessed? (n=379)

Departments assess majors through a senior-culminating experience.


Who administers the college-wide assessment?

Students take an essay exam.Students submit a portfolio.Professors certify for writing proficiency when students take writing-intensive courses.
Writing program director (n=108)
Writing center director (n=37)
Associate dean (n=18)
Faculty committee (n=119)
Registrar (n=10)Yes
Chair of the department (n=75)
Other (n=121)

Who participates in the college-wide assessment?

Students take an essay exam.Students submit a portfolio.Professors certify for writing proficiency when students take writing-intensive courses.Departments assess majors through a senior-culminating experience.
Writing program director (n=106)
Writing center director (n=65)
Writing program faculty (n=105)
English department faculty (n=150)
Faculty from other disciplines than writing and English (n=163)
Readers outside the institution (n=15)
Associate dean (n=22)
Registrar (n=13)YesYes
Other (n=63)

Sites of writing--National Survey of Student Engagement

Does your institution administer the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)? (n=667)

I don't know

Sites of writing--Changes to Writing Program

Have there been changes to the writing program or sites of writing at your institution in the past 10 years? (n=666)


Were there changes to the writing requirement in the past 10 years? (n=585)


Which changes have taken place in regards to the writing requirement? (n=382)

The writing requirement was changed.

The writing requirement was expanded.

Departments are required to articulate their goals and writing requirements.

Were there changes to the assessment of writing at your institution over the past 10 years? (n=589)


Were there any changes to the administrative structures of the writing program or the sites of writing over the past 10 years? (n=597)


Which administrative structures of the writing program or the sites of writing changed? (n=396)


Was the writing program changed in the past 10 years to expand or eliminate areas? (n=609)


How did the writing program change? (n=346)

A graduate degree in writing/rhetoric was added.

Were there changes to the staffing of the writing program or center over the past 10 years? (n=595)


Which changes to the staffing of the writing program or center have taken place over the past 10 years? (n=412)

Part-time teaching positions were added.

Were there any additional changes to the writing program or the sites of writing at your institution not already mentioned? (n=588)


If there were any additional changes to the writing program or the sites of writing at your institution not already mentioned, please explain.

Criteria for approving Writing Intensive courses were expanded to include digital texts.

Do you foresee changes to the administrative, curricular, or support structures of the sites of writing at your institution over the next five years? (n=661)


What type of changes to the administrative, curricular, or support structures of the sites of writing at your institution do you foresee in the next five years? (n=484)

Changes to the curricular structures or writing requirement

Changes to the administrative structures

Changes to expand the writing program or sites of writing on campus

Changes to the types of staffing

If you foresee changes to the administrative, curricular, or support structures of the sites of writing at your institution over the next five years feel free to explain.

This is a dynamic program facilitated and directed by campus faculty, so opportunities for change appear always to be possible.

First-year writing/English composition--General Description

Does your institution have a first-year writing requirement whether explicit or embedded? (n=672)


How many semesters/courses of first-year writing are required? (n=575)


How would you describe your first-year writing requirement? (n=577)


First-year writing/English composition--Placement and Transfer

Does your institution allow students to place out of FYC? (n=443)


What is your program's placement mechanism?

FYWS (n=18)FYC (n=373)
In-house exam
Directed self-placement
Dual enrollment/ transfer

Does your institution accept transfer credit for FYC? (n=454)


Who approves transfer credit for FYW courses? (n=539)



First-year writing/English composition--Goals and Assessment

Are there explicit goals for FYC? (n=463)


Are FYC goals informed by the WPA Outcomes Statement? (n=416)


How are the goals for FYW courses assessed?

FYWS (n=66)FYC (n=381)
Paper portfolio
Random sample
Professor evaluation
Course evaluation
Student survey

First-year writing/English composition--Curriculum

What is the content of the FYC requirement? See Note 5. (n=456)


Is there a common syllabus for FYC courses? (n=457)


First-year writing/English composition--Enrollment Caps

What is the enrollment cap for honors sections of FYC? (n=261)


What is the enrollment cap for regular sections of FYC? (n=451)


First-year writing/English composition--Staffing

Is there faculty or professional development available for those teaching FYC? (n=457)


Do those attending faculty development for FYC receive additional compensation? (n=411)


Identifying and supporting diversely-prepared students--General Description

Does your institution identify students who may need additional writing support, including students whose primary language is not English? (n=626)


How does the institution identify these students? (n=483)



What types of supports are available to those students? (n=489)

Required basic writing course

Special sections of FYW

Targeted optional writing courses

Summer bridge program

Peer tutoring

Professional tutoring, not the WPA or WCD

Tutoring from the WPA or WCD


Identifying and supporting diversely-prepared students--Basic Writing

Does your institution have a formal basic writing program? (n=493)


Identifying and supporting diversely-prepared students--Support for English Language Learners

Is there support for English Language Learners (ELLs)? (n=484)


Is support for ELLs separate from basic writing? (n=417)


What type of supports are available for ELLs? (n=412)

Required basic writing course

Special sections of FYW

Targeted optional writing courses

Summer bridge program

Peer tutoring

Professional tutoring, not the WPA or WCD

Tutoring from the WPA or WCD



Does your institution offer ELL writing classes? (n=408)


How are students identified and/or placed into ELL writing courses? (n=239)


Placement test

Directed self-placement

Faculty referral

Tutor referral

Advisor referral

What is the institutional home of the ELL writing courses? (n=241)

Intensive English program

Writing across the curriculum (WAC) and writing beyond the first year--General Description

Does your institution have a WAC program and/or writing requirement beyond the first year? (n=642)


Does your institution require all students to take lower-division writing courses taught by the English or Writing department for students in other departments? Does not include the first-year writing requirement. (n=302)


Does your institution require all students to take upper-division writing courses taught by the English or Writing department for students in other departments? (n=303)


Does your institution require all students to take a mid-level writing course(s)? (n=304)


How would you describe the mid-level course? (n=124)

The course is classified as writing in the major.

The course is similar to a writing-intensive course.

Each department determines which course fits this requirement.


Does your institution require ALL students to complete a senior thesis or other writing-intensive capstone experience? (n=306)


Does the institution require some students to complete a senior thesis or other writing-intensive capstone experience? If so, what are the requirements? (n=216)

It varies by department.

Honors students are required to complete a thesis or other writing-intensive capstone experience.

Individual students can choose to complete a senior thesis or other writing-intensive capstone experience.


Writing across the curriculum (WAC) and writing beyond the first year--Writing-Intensive Courses

Does your institution require all students to take writing-intensive (WI or W) courses taught by departments other than English or Writing? (n=303)


How long has the WI requirement been in existence? (n=186)

10-15 years

How many WI courses are required beyond the first-year requirement? (n=185)


When do WI courses need to be completed? (n=187)

By graduation

Are there explicit goals for the WI courses? (n=189)


Have the goals been influenced by the WPA Outcomes Statement? (n=151)


What form of assessment takes place of the WI goals? (n=149)

Professor evaluation


Who administers WAC assessment?

Paper PortfolioElectronic PortfolioRandom Sample of Student WritingWriting ExamProfessor Evaluation
WPA (n=27)
Writing program faculty (n=13)Yes
Faculty from across the institution, via committee or ad hoc group (n=49)Yes
Other (n=30)YesYes

Who participates in WAC assessment?

Paper PortfolioElectronic PortfolioRandom Sample of Student WritingWriting ExamProfessor Evaluation
WPA (n=25)YesYes
Writing program faculty (n=23)
Faculty from across the institution, via committee or ad hoc group (n=77)
Outside evaluators (n=6)
Other (n=24)YesYes

What are the criteria for a WI course? (n=184)

Number of pages or words written


Time discussing writing In class

Written or verbal feedback from instructor

Percentage of course grade in writing

Other criteria

Who certifies that a course fulfills WI designation? (n=183)

Writing committee

Are there incentives offered for faculty to teach a WI course? (n=132)


Which incentives are offered to faculty to teach WI courses? (n=51)

Use of writing fellows


Course release

Smaller class size

Credit toward tenure and promotion


Is there professional development available for those teaching in the WAC Program? (n=298)


What form does that faculty development take? (n=216)

Faculty seminar

Required faculty workshops

Optional faculty workshops

Individual meetings with faculty members

Collaborative research projects

Conferences off campus

On-campus speakers


What other forms of faculty development exist?

We offer two-day intensive workshops the week before classes begin. We then offer monthly seminars on special topics. We also hold monthly retreats for faculty to work on their own writing.

If faculty attend a seminar or workshop, how are they compensated? (n=129)

They receive food at the event.

They receive a stipend.

The undergraduate and graduate writing major and minor--Description of Undergraduate Major

Does your institution have a writing major? See Note 3. (n=656)


The undergraduate and graduate writing major and minor--Description of Undergraduate Minor

Does your institution have a writing minor? (n=656)


What areas of writing can students specialize in as part of the minor? (n=312)

Professional writing

Creative writing

In which department is the minor housed? (n=347)


The undergraduate and graduate writing major and minor--Description of Graduate Programs

Does your institution offer a masters degree (M.A.) in writing, other than creative writing? (n=656)


Does your institution have a Ph.D. program in writing, other than creative writing? (n=654)


Writing centers--General description

Does your institution have a writing center or learning center with writing tutors? (n=676)


Is the writing center free-standing or part of another institutional unit? (n=612)

Part of another institutional unit

If the writing center is not free-standing, what larger institutional unit is it a part of? (n=379)

Learning center

Where is the writing center located? Note: From this point on writing center refers to both free-standing and those located within another unit. (n=612)

Academic building

Multiple locations

Is there a mission statement for the writing center? (n=610)


Are there explicit goals for the writing center? (n=610)


How are the goals assessed? (n=423)

Student feedback forms

Faculty feedback

Center usage statistics

External review

Analysis of student papers


What services does the writing center offer? (n=610)

Face-to-face consultations

Online tutoring via Skype or instant messaging (synchronous)

Online feedback via e-mail (asynchronous)

Assistance with oral presentations

Assistance with Powerpoint or other presentation software

Assistance with new media

Writing centers--Consultations

Does your writing center work with graduate students? (n=580)


What is the average length of a consultation or tutorial session offered? (n=574)

50 minutes

Writing centers--Consultants

Are some or all of your writing center consultants undergraduate students? (n=561)


Are some or all of your writing center consultants graduate students? (n=546)


Are some or all of your writing center consultants faculty who teach in the writing program? (n=548)


Are some or all of your writing center consultants faculty who teach in other academic departments? (n=539)


Are some or all of your writing center consultants professional tutors? (n=548)


Are some or all of your writing center consultants volunteers? (n=543)


Do you have others working as writing consultants? (n=531)


During the fall of 2011, what percentage of the writing center consultants were undergraduate students? See Notes 2b & 4. (n=449)


During the fall of 2011, what percentage of the writing center consultants were graduate students? See Notes 2b & 4. (n=228)


During the fall of 2011, what percentage of the writing center consultants were professional tutors? See Notes 2b & 4. (n=113)


During the spring of 2012, what percentage of the writing center consultants were undergraduate students? See Notes 2b & 4. (n=450)


During the spring of 2012, what percentage of the writing center consultants were graduate students? See Notes 2b & 4. (n=228)


During the spring of 2012, what percentage of the writing center consultants were professional tutors? See Notes 2b & 4. (n=112)


How many consultants who worked in the writing center during the fall of 2011 were undergraduate students? See Notes 2b & 4. (n=448)


How many consultants who worked in the writing center during the fall of 2011 were graduate students? See Notes 2b & 4. (n=227)


How many consultants who worked in the writing center during the fall of 2011 were professional tutors? See Notes 2b & 4. (n=112)


How many consultants who worked in the writing center during the spring of 2012 were undergraduate students? See Notes 2b & 4. (n=449)


How many consultants who worked in the writing center during the spring of 2012 were graduate students? See Notes 2b & 4. (n=227)


How many consultants who worked in the writing center during the spring of 2012 were professional tutors? See Notes 2b & 4. (n=111)


How are consultants working in the writing center initally trained?

Undergraduate students (n=505)Graduate students (n=251)Faculty who teach in the writing program (n=124)Faculty who teach in other academic departments (n=45)Professional tutors (n=113)
Full-credit courseYes
Half-credit course
Weekly meetings
Monthly meetingsYesYesYes
Workshops before the semesterYesYes
No training required

What on-going professional development opportunities are offered for consultants working in the writing center?

Undergraduate students (n=461)Graduate students (n=237)Faculty who teach in the writing program (n=54)Faculty who teach in other academic departments (n=42)Professional tutors (n=106)
Attendance at national conferences
Attendance at regional conferences
Presenting at national conferences
Presenting at regional conferences
Reading professional journals
Outside speakers
Weekly meetings
Semester inservice or workshopYesYesYes
Written reflections on daily and/or semester work
Meet with directorYesYesYes
No opportunities available

How are consultants working in the writing center compensated?

Undergraduate students (n=509)Graduate students (n=263)Faculty who teach in the writing program (n=132)Faculty who teach in other academic departments (n=45)Professional tutors (n=127)
Hourly wageYesYes
Tuition waverYes
Course credit
Faculty salary
Release time

Writing centers--Course-based Peer Tutoring

Does your institution have a writing fellows (course-based peer tutoring) program? (n=577)


How old is the writing fellows program? (n=144)

20+ years

How is the writing fellows program funded? (n=144)

English department budget

Do the writing fellows work both as fellows and in the writing center? (n=145)

Writing fellows and writing center tutors are two separate groups.

If two separate groups, how are they staffed? (n=47)

Writing fellows are gradaute students, and writing center tutors are undergraduates.

Do the writing fellows regularly attend the class they are assigned to work with? (n=142)


How are the writing fellows compensated? (n=144)


Tuition waver

Graduate assistantship

Administrative structures

Who has primary responsibility for administering first-year writing requirement? (n=565)

Director of writing program/chair of writing department