University of Utah2017 Institution Survey

Writing centers--General description

Does your institution have a writing center or learning center with writing tutors?


Is the writing center free-standing or part of another institutional unit?

Part of another institutional unit

If the writing center is not free-standing, what larger institutional unit is it a part of?

Rhetoric/writing department or program

Where is the writing center located? Note: From this point on writing center refers to both free-standing and those located within another unit.


Is there a mission statement for the writing center?


Are there explicit goals for the writing center?


How are the goals assessed?

Student feedback forms

Center usage statistics

In addition to providing support for students writing for their courses, what services does the writing center offer? Check all that apply.

Assistance with writing in a language other than English

Assistance with multimodal assignments

Assistance with Powerpoint or other presentation software

Assistance with new media

Assistance with how to prepare a poster presentation

Assistance with job materials

Assistance with graduate school materials

Assistance with other content areas

What events does the writing center offer?

Student workshops


What other events does the writing center offer?

Resource fairs

Writing centers--Consultations

What type of appointments does the writing center offer?

scheduled face-to-face appts

drop-in face-to-face appts

online feedback via e-mail

What is the average length of a consultation or tutorial session offered?

30 minutes

What percentage of the undergraduate student body had a writing center consultation during the 2016-17 academic year?


Writing centers--Consultants

How many consultants worked in the writing center during the 2016-17 academic year? UG=undergraduates, GS=graduate students, Fac=faculty, PT=professional tutors, Vol=volunteers

UG-18, GS-4

On average, what percentage of a week's consultations are staffed by each group? For example, if your center offers 100 hours of consultations a week and 50 hours are filled by undergraduates and 25 hours by both graduate students and professional tutors, then the percentage would be 50% undergraduate, 25% graduate students, and 25% professional tutors.

UG-81, GS-19

How are undergraduate consultants initially trained?

Full-credit course

How are graduate consultants initially trained?

Full-credit course

What on-going professional development opportunities are provided undergraduate consultants?

Attend regional conferences

Read professional journals

Staff meetings


Meeting with Director

What on-going professional development opportunities are provided graduate consultants?

Attend national conferences

Attend regional conferences

Present at national conferences

Present at regional conferences

Read professional journals

Staff meetings


Meeting with Director

How are the undergradaute consultants compensated?

Hourly wage

How are the graduate consultants compensated?


Tuition waiver

Writing centers--Administration

Who has primary responsibility for directing the writing center or overseeing the writing tutors if the tutors are part of a different institutional unit?

Writing Center Administrator (WCA)

In addition to the person who has primary responsibility, how many undergraduates, graduate students, staff members, or faculty members have administrative responsibilities for the writing center?


Does the writing center have a faculty advisory committee?


Writing centers--Changes

Since the academic year 2012/13 have there been changes to the writing center at your institution (not including staffing)?


What changes have been made?

Satellite located added

Satellite located closed

Added online tutoring

Since the academic year 2012/13 have there been changes to the staffing or administration of the writing center at your institution?


What changes were made to the staffing or administration of the writing center?

Graduate positions increased

Do you foresee changes to the writing center over the next four years?


Writing Fellows (Embedded Writing Tutors)--General information

Does your institution have a writing fellows program? (See glossary for definitions)


Administrative positions--Writing Center Administrator (WCA)

How is the Writing Center Administrator position (WCA) classified?


To whom does the WCA report?

Chair of the department

Was the WCA hired for this position?


Which of the following teaching responsibilities does the WCA have? Check all that apply.

Train tutors, TAs, or professional staff

On average, how many courses per year does the WCA teach?


On average, how many courses per year are reassigned for WCA administrative responsibilities?


Which of the following are the administrative responsibilities of the WCA?

Develop curriculum

Create Program Documents

Conduct assessment

Consult with individual faculty or departments across the disciplines

Hire (tutors, professional staff, or teaching faculty)

Supervise (tutors, professional staff, or teaching faculty)

Mentor (tutors, professional staff, or teaching faculty)

Schedule writing courses

Advertise program

Plan events

Maintain program/department/center website