2013 Four-Year Institution Survey

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What are the job responsibilities for writing administrators? (n=522)

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FYWD (n=266)WAC director (n=62)WCD (n=392)Solo writing administrator (n=37)
Teach courses in the first-year writing program2223220130
Teach courses in the writing program/department (Not FYW)1682714720
Teach courses outside the writing program/department83218719
Assess all or some aspects of the writing program213316228
Assess the development of student writing on campus90357623
Conduct faculty development with faculty across the disciplines915914725
Conduct TA training13110899
Consult with individual faculty across the disciplines1175927724
Consult with departments across the disciplines965820625
Supervise professional staff (writing center director, asst.director, admin asst.)832117414
Supervise tutors (professional and/or peer)251736225
Hire professional staff871412916
Hire tutors221435525
Schedule writing courses15561219
Schedule writing center171033623
Place students into writing courses9462915
Facilitate placement exam10163710
Oversee curriculum development226283424
Train professional staff1181010116
Train peer tutors251231723
Advertise program723431525
Oversee program budget903426519
Tutor students1672177
Plan events1503727123
Serve on university committees2254728034
Maintain program website1093825323
Serve as an academic advisor1292111922
Offer student workshops321225917
Oversee exemption and/or transfer credit135151115

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