2017 Four-Year Institution Survey

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What other changes occurred? (n=50)

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  • A more rigorous assessment regime has been added.
  • We changed the professional development we provide; our role in WI oversight changed
  • The number of WI courses was increased
  • The responsibility for keeping track of status of writing-intensive courses (approved/not approved) was moved from the writing center lead to a ft-staff person.
  • The WAC budget was cut significantly in 2018.
  • The WAC Committee was created and has held faculty development sessions and is beginning work towards a WI-course proposal.
  • The WAC position used to be full-time and is now 60% spread across 2 positions
  • The WI program went from a page-count/models of WI to an outcomes based WI
  • The Writing Center Director in collaboration with the Center for Teaching Excellence and Learning and the Composition Coordinator ran a professional development to train and certify instructors teaching WI courses. That PD ran for one semester, and has not run again since.
  • We are in the process of changing from a predominately W-I model to a predominantly WEC model.
  • We changed the guidelines for the Writing-Enhanced courses
  • We changed the WI guidelines.
  • The junior capstone course in computer science (3 credits) and the junior technical communication course (3 credits) were combined into a co-enrolled, co-taught 6-credit, year-long courses.
  • We created a requirement for all departments to address writing in some way.
  • We have writing outcomes incorporated in upper-level courses in each major. Written and Oral Communication is an "essential learning outcome" for each student.
  • We implemented college-wide information literacy requirements
  • We went from WAC to WID
  • we've worked more closely with the first-year writing classes as those classes were slightly re-structured.
  • WI was combined with oral communication gen-ed requirement, so we now have 3 "CI" courses rather than 3 WI + 1 Oral Com requirement.
  • workshop support dropped
  • WPA position was formally (re)defined with many responsibilities assigned to it that were once given to several different people in English
  • Writing Center, and Director position, created; writing-intensive requirement was changed and writing-intensive courses also changed.
  • Writing Council (that was mostly responsible for WAC program) was folded into another committee
  • The number of WAC co-oordinators has varied every year.
  • The charter was revised to include mandatory review of courses.
  • A new gen ed curriculum added Communication in the Disciplines courses in every major. There was an initiative to support those and build a vertical writing curriculum. That has since been abandoned.
  • First, we made changes to the core curriculum that then allowed programs to decide whether to keep WI courses within their majors. Only about half have decided to keep the courses, but I'm lobbying to change that. Also, the Writing Intensive course requirements were significantly revised in 2014-2015, which may have an impact on desire to teach these courses. Essentially, there are actual requirements and a little bit of oversight that wasn't previously there.
  • A part-time WAC/WID coordinator position was created, and requirements changed.
  • A requirements was altered but not decreased
  • A Writing Center Director was hired and started the Writing Center to support writing across the curriculum. There is no formal program at this time.
  • A writing center was added in 2013 and the writing center does workshops in a range of classes
  • An Assistant Director of the Writing Program was added to oversee the WI assessment and help with training
  • An informal WAC programs, Writing Across the Sycamore Community, was created
  • As noted, WAC is part of SKIM, which is being implemented 2017-2018. There is very little infrastructure in place, but we hope to develop it.
  • Campus-wide writing assessment via Blackboard rubrics has begun, revised requirements for W courses, developed process to review/evaluate W courses as part of a Gen Ed revision
  • changed WI descriptors
  • Faculty-led Center for Teaching Excellence has provided some workshops and inservice activities
  • In 2017 the WAC program moved from a College of Humanities and Social Sciences initiative to one under Academic Affairs for the entire university.
  • stipended workshops for faculty available thanks to a grant for 2017-18 only
  • Individual WI now have more rigorous requirements
  • Informal WAC position moved from the writing center to WLS department
  • informal WID teaching sessions offered by English faculty
  • Learning outcomes
  • modifications to information literacy requirement
  • More systematic assessment of program
  • Our existing WAC program went through several changes as a result of our Writing Excellence Initiative (QEP for SACS accreditation), starting about 6 years ago. The program was expanded to address writing across the entire university (not just in academic programs) and to support the writing of students, faculty, and staff. Our WEI focused on 3 ways of teaching/learning writing: writing in a discipline/profession, writing to learn, and writing as a citizen. All majors/COR/participating Student Life units have now written at least one Writing Outcome in at least one of those areas (although most have written several). To support this more robust approach to teaching/learning writing in multiple ways in multiple spaces, the Writing Across the University director received an additional course release, the budget for the WAU was increased; extended supports/programming such as pedagogy/writing scholarship grants, writing groups and boots camps, and a Summer Writing Institute were designed; and a Center for Writing Excellence was established (this combined the newly expanded WAU program with the also expanded Writing Center). The existing WC space in the library was expanded and redesigned to house the CWE, which now includes two multimedia workstations, a presentation practice room, the Writing Center, and meeting spaces.The CWE is also now supported by a full-time Program Assistant.
  • Program created 2015, funding cut 2017.
  • reduction in page requirement for revised writing
  • revision to the requirement in relation to the Eloquentia Perfecta component of GE; reproposal of all courses to be designated with an EPW
  • Writing courses are no longer tracked at the university level. Each college has the responsibility to determine its practices and to track and assess.

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