2017 Four-Year Institution Survey

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What other changes took place in regards to writing assessment? (n=46)

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  • A college-wide assessment of RWI courses was added, though it has so far only been conducted once, as a pilot.
  • Using AAUP rubrics as part of department-wide assessment of capstone and FY composition
  • system wide alignment meant a change to assessment procedure, outcomes.
  • The director of institutional assessment helped us develop and now oversees assessment of writing through the Bridge General Education program and the WI program
  • The method of assessment has not changed, but we have hired an institution-level director of assessment, so the culture around assessment is changing.
  • The process changed somewhat due to institutional changes
  • The university-wide assessment was revised.
  • The Writing Proficiency exam now includes a numerical component.
  • This is difficult to answer. We have a focus on assessment now, but we have not developed a plan to assess writing. We collect data from general studies courses, but nothing has been done with it.
  • Units (departments, schools and colleges) participating in the WEC program (elective) undergo triennial assessment of capstone level writing by independent panels
  • various assessment ideas are being piloted in adavance of a fall 2020 gen ed redesign
  • Student Affairs is looking at participation in programs
  • WASC accreditation requires the university to assess writing in all subjects; it's a core compentency
  • We are beginning to assess writing formally in the first-year common course (portfolio assessment).
  • We are still piloting our assessment method
  • We created assessment measures for our new FYC program to meet state requirements.
  • We have revised assessment criteria
  • We have stopped using outside raters, and instead ask professors to conduct the assessment.
  • We implemented a Writing Excellence Initiative, which asked every major to develop Writing Outcomes and assess those outcomes.
  • We just have a mechanism for assessment now because of university-wide ULOs.
  • We revised our rubrics.
  • Support (financial and administrative) for WI and capstone/R&P review by faculty has waned; first-year writing assessments are now only remaining annual assessment, which are departmental rather than institutional.
  • Self-efficacy survey instrument
  • a college-wide assessment was planned
  • Changes are still unclear
  • A course-wide assessment was added.
  • A new Director of Assessment piloted some sort of institutional writing assessment-- the first ever, to my knowledge-- in the summer of 2018. I do not know of any results that have been announced or posted.
  • A tool was developed by our GE (General Education) committee to compare/assess student writing at the 1st year seminar level and the Capstone (senior) level.
  • A voluntary assessment of student writing in writing intensive courses was added, including a survey of syllabi, majors, and minors.
  • A writing proficiency exam was eliminated and replaced with a writing intensive course, which will be assessed alongside FYC
  • All composition students are assessed via digital portfolio.
  • any gen ed course, including FYC, assess written communication as an LO--one cycle done so far
  • Assessment initiatives currently are being developed
  • Because structural departmental writing assignments have changed, the ways we assess them have changed. For example, the departmental exam in our Comp 1 class was changed from a P/F rubric, to one that uses the full grading spectrum.
  • Changes to our general education model required additional assessment and new student learning outcomes.
  • Revision of General Education program and assessment
  • Changes were made to the way core curriculum at SFA is assessed by the university.
  • Each course in the "University Core Curriculum", which includes the WC requirement, will now be assessed university-wide.
  • Eng dept. and Gen Ed assessments
  • For the first time, the Writing Program assessed the use of eportfolios on campus. While only a few faculty use eportfolios, the Writing Program determined this would be a valuable faculty development initiative.
  • General Education Assessment of Written Communication Requirement (English 102) was added
  • Internal achievement test
  • longitudinal study for four years to assess effectiveness of new requirement
  • No assessment because the Director of Composition position was eliminated in 2017
  • Our WAC/WID program is being kick-started, and our WAC/WID coordinator has recently conducted both a faculty and outgoing-senior student survey of satisfaction with WCU's writing pedagogy. In addition, the FYW program adapted and revised its outcomes.
  • We used to assess FYW, but now departments must develop their own writing assessments in collaboration with Institutional Research. As this change came about last year, we're still in the process of developing these assessments. It's my understanding that writing will also be assessed in our general education requirements, but that, too, is still in the works.

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