2017 Four-Year Institution Survey

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What other changes took place in regards to the writing requirement? (n=59)

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  • 2-credit writing studios were added; Writing Fellows in all FYW seminars and 50% of WI courses
  • There have been changes at NYU-AD and NYU-SH, although I am not familiar with the details.
  • Procedural changes to the insufficient writing competency
  • proficiency exam and basic writing course added
  • remedial writing courses were dropped
  • Slight clarification of standards for WI coursework: must include multiple drafts, certain amount of writing, etc.
  • some major classes are doing more writing with an embedded writing fellow
  • standard, system-wide learning outcomes were added to ENG-W 131
  • Students on the regular FYW track are now only required to take one semester of FYW, not two. Basic writing students are still required to take two semesters.
  • Switching from writing-intensive courses to WEC.
  • The end of sequence exam has been dropped. The placement requirements have been changed.
  • The university adopted a new core curriculum and, with it, standards for FYC and Writing Intensive courses
  • The University has replaced a Writing-Intensive Course requirement with a "Literacy Outcomes" approach in which each Bachelor's degree program has required literacy outcomes for their program attached to specific classes—some of which are writing courses provided by the English Department.
  • The writing-intensive requirement, which stressed amount of writing, was changed to a Writing-in-the-Discipline requirement, which stressed a specific pedagogical approach.
  • Under the new core curriculum, first-year writing is still required, but designated writing-intensive liberal arts courses were dropped in favor of a supposed "infusion" of writing across all core curriculum courses.
  • Placement and exemption changed.
  • WAC is under development
  • We are currently in the process of formalizing review and requirements for writing intensive courses in the disciplines
  • We changed our GE. No more "W" requirement, but writing included in sophomore an junior seminar courses
  • We changed our shared course goals a bit and offered extensive workshops for everyone teaching FYW and WI courses. Actual participation so far is 35% of faculty and adjuncts. Workshops re-interpret the old goals as Teaching Writing for Transfer.
  • We have proposed (and are piloting) a year-long FYE course that combines composition with our existing first-year seminar and is taught by faculty across the curriculum. As part of that sequence, we include an advanced course that situates writing in the disciplines. The proposal also incorporated oral communication.
  • We just changed some language in our faculty manual so that the courses had slightly different SLO's.
  • We started accepting transfer credit for writing, so now not all students have to take first-year writing.
  • We went from two courses with a lot of writing to three writing courses!
  • We went from WAC to WID
  • We will be moving from a 6-hour to a 3-hour FYC requirement and adding WAC/WID requirements, effective Fall 2019.
  • We've revised out learning outcomes to reflect greater emphasis on teaching research methods and argumentation.
  • Writing Lab component for identified at-risk students
  • Placement testing is now a requirement for students who do not have ACT, SAT or AP scores that exempt them from Academic Writing. Students will get more writing in the discipline from departments adopting a Writing-Enriched Curriculum plan.
  • Not a requirement, but the Writing Center was created in 2016
  • A "WE" (Writing Emphasis) graduation requirement (1 course) was replaced by a series of six RWI courses, ideally to be taken during the first two years of college study. Two of those courses are in English, and remain the introductory English courses in Composition and Literature that we have always taught. It remains to be seen how successful writing instruction in the other two disciplines that offer RWI courses will be. The institution is committed to assessing writing in these six required introductory courses.
  • Colleges are required to articulate their goals and requirements
  • A junior/senior level class was added to support research and writing for our students' professional and creative practices
  • A new emphasis on digital writing has emerged
  • addition of a general education e-portfolio that requires significant reflection
  • Addition of co-requisite course for basic writers.
  • All students are required to take first-year composition courses, but now specific classes throughout the curriculum have been identified to teach and/or assess writing.
  • As this is my first semester as Writing Center Director, I am still learning about the specifics of these changes.
  • Basic writing is going through a review and pilot
  • By state law, we are now required to accept AP 3 for FY Writing credit.
  • Changed from a three-course sequence to a two-course sequence
  • changes to professional writing minor and to composition course focuses
  • Changes were made to the parameters of departmental assignments in the FYW program.
  • colleges and school are required to aritculate their goals and writing requirements
  • Course learning outcomes were revised.
  • No non-credit-bearing FYW courses. Students take a 4-credit version of our initial writing course (3 cr), which includes a studio portion.
  • Courses included written, oral, and visual communication.
  • Departments opting-in to Writing-Enriched Curriculum Project are articulating their discipline-specific goals and writing requirements
  • Developmental reading and writing courses were converted to one credit bearing course.
  • Dropped classical remediation course and replaced with Writing Studio Model. Added courses for Second Language Writers
  • First-year Composition was added to curriculum
  • First-year composition was added. The Writing Center was removed from Writing Program supervision.
  • I know we've changed the program, but I don't know how because I only started in 2017.
  • In response to a general education reform, writing-intensive courses were added across the curriculum.
  • Literature was dropped and critical thinking added.
  • Minimum grade increased
  • New First-year Writing Courses were added, as well as objectives, and assessment practices
  • New goals and practices for first-year writing
  • Writing was made one component of a series of "Aims and Skills" that ground the Connections General Education requirement

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