2017 Four-Year Institution Survey

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What were the changes? Check all that apply. - Other--Text (n=64)

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  • 1. Program name change from BFA Writing to BFA Creative Writing; 2. Changes to curriculum to better align with goals of institution and in response to student feedback
  • We added greater course overlap to our creative writing and professional writing majors. We added a study abroad or internship requirement to all majors.
  • Revised curriculum for writing major
  • revised plan of study and added courses
  • Revised to include courses in other departments for more interdisciplinary approach.
  • revisions to the existing PTW and RW tracks and CW minor
  • several existing courses added to the creative writing minor
  • The Humanities and Communication major was revamped and changes included the creation of a concentration in English Studies, which includes a Writing and Rhetoric track; Creative Writing and Social Action continues as a concentration within the HCOM major.
  • the requirements were changed a bit for the writing major to allow more flexibility
  • There have been course changes and faculty changes.
  • This semester, the writing major was approved at [...], a member of the [...] consortium. Students at [the institution] can major in any consortium major. All of my courses (except the FYS) now count towards this new writing major.
  • undergrad writing major is in process
  • Undergraduate writing major and minor were modified.
  • Undergraduate writing major renamed (to English Writing & Digital Studies) and curriculum revised
  • Updates to curriculum map
  • We added two new tracks/emphases to the minor.
  • refining of BS in Technical Writing and Communication
  • We had a Professional Writing and Rhetoric concentration for about 17 years; last year it became a major.
  • We have a concentration on rhetoric and writing. We changed the requirements to accommodate our limited staffing
  • We have a Writing Arts major, which is largely creative but aims to integrate Literary and Transactional Writing (it has professional and grant writing as electives; it has a course, "Rhetoric and Writing Arts," that integrates classical and contemporary rhetorical and composition theory, the history of creative writing as a discipline, and accounts by professional writers-on-writing). As far as changes go, we have added some electives. The major change was the creation of a Certificate in Professional Writing.
  • We have added course options to the Creative Writing major and minor and increased the English literature requirements for this major and minor
  • We revised our Writing Track curriculum, mostly with an eye toward a more streamlined, sustainable rotation of course offerings. We will soon do the same for our Literature Track.
  • We tightened the requirements for earning a Writing Minor and divided the minor into 3 tracks: Creative Writing, Academic Writing, and Professional Writing.
  • We've added a certificate in technical writing
  • We've been redesigning the major curriculum to better serve our students. This has resulted in new classes and different requirements.
  • Writing Concentration created and then expanded as part of major
  • writing major changed; courses changed
  • Writing minor moved into the English department (was in a freestanding interdisciplinary "center")
  • writing minor was modified
  • Writing minor was moved to English with comp/rhet faculty.
  • Requirement changes in the Professional Writing minor
  • program name changed to Communication and Media
  • a capstone was made optional; a required introduction to English Studies course is required
  • courses were added
  • a variety of courses were added
  • A Writing Arts Certification possibility was added to the English major. This is neither a major nor a minor.
  • Additional classes developed for both major and minor; development of a digital liberal arts concentration, which my program is deeply connected to.
  • An interdisciplinary writing minor (which does include courses in creative writing) was added.
  • An undergraduate certificate in Creative Writing was created.
  • An undergraduate creative writing SEQUENCE was created, which is different than a minor. Also, an MS in English was approved, which will be more popular with Masters students in writing and is specifically intended for technical writers. Also, a Technical Writing SEQUENCE was added to the Masters program.
  • Both English and Creative Writing majors were restructured following a program review
  • Changes to creative writing major course requirements
  • changes to requirements
  • Changes to the requirements for all of our majors.
  • Course Changes within the major
  • Course offerings expanded in minor. NOTE: We have an English BA with writing concentration, too. Not exactly a major, but more coursework than a minor
  • Courses have been added and eliminated
  • creation of english major with concentrations--lit and cultural studies; creative writing; rhetoric; professional and technical writing
  • Optional courses were added to the writing minor.
  • creative writing minor was revised
  • Curricular changes in the different concentrations have taken place since AY 2012-13.
  • Curricular changes to existing major and minor
  • Curricular expansion
  • Curriculum changes to Professional Writing and Rhetoric major
  • Curriculum Revised, requiring different literature courses for CW majors
  • English added a creative writing concentration.
  • English major added concentrations in creative writing and rhetoric/composition and literacy studies.
  • English major requirements were revised.
  • Made PW and TW required of English majors
  • major and minor revised
  • Major revisions to one track of the major (from General Writng to Writing Studies)
  • Modifications to the major
  • new courses developed
  • Writing Program split from the Humanities Dept & English Dept. and we are working on developing new major & minors as well as revising creative writing minor

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