2017 Four-Year Institution Survey

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What is the content for the second semester of FYC? Check all that apply - Other - Text (n=27)

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  • "Common Syllabus": This means all teachers receive a syllabus template, which they then adapt for the course theme, etc.
  • Professional communication
  • writing about the disciplines
  • We require a specific number of assignments, and each assignment has specific objectives. Instructors are free to write their own assignment prompts as long as they meet those objectives.
  • Three papers are assigned, all about literature; one is a research paper.
  • There’s a WID approach so the class is taught in some disciplines, although it isn’t comprehensive so many people take the one in English
  • There is a common assignment as the last writing assignment so that students have a similar experience regardless of the teacher.
  • There are general parameters for assignments, conferencing, portfolios, content, etc. However, individual instructors may also include themes, waw, teaching for transfer, etc.
  • Technical Writing
  • Students generally take FYWS in Fall semester, and FYC in second semester.
  • Rhetorical strategies and writing for different audiences
  • rhetoric - specifically ancient rhetoricians
  • Rhetoric
  • People pitch their course which must demonstrate that they have designed a topic that can be examined from multiple perspectives and geared toward different audiences. For example, we have a writing course on trash and mars in the fall.
  • A main component of our writing program that is not on this list is Rhetoric. FYS at [this institution] is not run by the writing program. There is a writing learning objective but we really have no input on curriculum pr pedagogy.
  • Our second semester of required writing is scheduled for most students in the spring of their sophomore year.
  • Our second semester FYC emphasizes independent research for an individualized long-term project with four stages throughout the semester (beginning with a prospectus and annotated bibliography and ending with a culminating paper that uses elements of the previous stages). Our FYC classes have BOTH a departmental syllabus as well as a shorter supplemental instructor syllabus. Instructors are given a skeletal structure of assignment types but develop their own specific assignments to meet the goals.
  • Just a note: we actually require four semesters of writing. The data for the "second semester of first-year writing" that I entered above would also apply to the two required 200-level courses.
  • In second semester, half of the students take a research oriented Comp II, STEM & Business majors take a professional writing course.
  • For the course, there is a required anthology. Instructors choose one novel from a pool of 4-5 texts. There is a requirement of two shorter essays, an annotated bibliography, and a 7-10 page final research essay. While this course is supposed to be a writing course, there is a focus on an introduction to literature as well.
  • focus on linguistic diversity
  • Focus for ENG 102 is on research and transfer
  • Digital writing Writing for advocacy
  • Argumentation
  • argument
  • Academic Argument
  • Writing as a conversation. Writing to change the world. Experiential Learning

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