2017 Four-Year Institution Survey

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What are other approaches to oral communication? (n=54)

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  • Classroom discussion is an expected component of the First-Year Seminar.
  • Oral communication is rolled into our Liberal Arts Seminar (LAS) which is required for all students coming in with less than 29 units; it is a 1st year Gen Ed requirement taught by folks from different disciplines.
  • Oral Communication is both an explicit outcome of first-year writing and is a separate general education requirement
  • Oral communication is defined as part of our Communication Skills competency, but the competency itself emphasizes written communication. We're currently undergoing a revision to our Gen Ed requirement, and I anticipate this will change.
  • Oral communication is emphasized in a first-year J-Term course, but it is not a writing course and is not usually writing intensive.
  • Oral communication is mentioned as part of a capstone general education requirement
  • Oral communication is mentioned in one of the learning objectives for the first-year writing courses (these are CUNY-wide SLOs) but it is not a focus of our pedagogy.
  • Oral communication is one of the SLOs in First-Year writing. There is also a Speech Course offered by the Mass Communications Department on campus
  • oral communication is part of first term seminar.
  • Oral communication is part of the Communication college-wide learning goal but not part of a general education requirement.
  • Oral communication is part of the Foundation Seminar (1st year) which is the same course that also focuses on first-year writing.
  • Oral communication is required for some majors.
  • Oral communication is the topic of our current QEP which is in the planning stages.
  • Oral communication is an explicit goal in first year seminars.
  • Oral communications is a separate gen ed requirement, but it is achieved through the first-year writing course.
  • Oral presentations are part of many senior thesis (capstone) projects.
  • Our first-year general education courses emphasize communication in written and other forms. Faculty may choose to emphasize oral communication.
  • Public speaking class is offered.
  • Starting fall 2020, oral comm will be integrated in our gen ed curriculum--but, not necessarily as part of fyw
  • Taking classes in Oral Communication (i.e, CMN 111 + CMN 112) can fulfill the Composition I requirement but most students take RHET 105 to fulfill that requirement
  • The university informally but tangibly supports the development of oral communication in multiple ways, including the fact that several departments require students to defend senior theses, etc. The Writing and Speaking Center receives financial support and has a prime spot on campus -- indications of the culture of commitment to students' development of speaking skills.
  • There is no universal approach to oral communication; it is a component of some senior thesis requirements, e.g.
  • This year we offered eight sections of our new oral communication course during summer session. It is offered only in the summer because for now it is not a campus requirement. It is open to all students. Our largest WAC course, in Business, has a strong oral communication component.
  • We have a multimodal FYC requirement that may include oral but does not need to.
  • We have been discussing this since 2013, and the idea of an oral communication requirement was approved in 2014. Thus far, however, we have not provided any curricular space for that requirement.
  • Oral communication is an explicit goal of some first-year writing classes, as well as of other courses throughout the curriculum.
  • Oral communication is an explicit component in the second-year required writing course.
  • Communications Dept. offers a course that satisfies first-year writing.
  • Module 1 courses have a learning objective related to oral communication. Most Academic Writing Seminar instructors have an assignment with oral communication (speech, presentation, group presentation, etc.).
  • In our courses for the Tandon (engineering), we are starting to talk about an oral communication component within the first-year writing sequence. But that is within the Program, not as part of changing the language of the requirement istelf.
  • Informal oral communication is a current explicit goal; more formal oral communication will become a requirement next year under the new Gen Ed.
  • is both, explicit goal of our First Year Program and part of a communication across the curriculum requirement
  • It is a separate Gen Ed requirement AND a formal part of FYW
  • It is an explicit requirement for both FYW in the spring and for all Senior Capstone Exercises
  • It is one part of the first-year seminar, which is a writing intensive first semester course that takes the place of first year writing
  • it is part of the gen ed writing requirement in name only
  • It's not a separate GE, or an explicit requirement, but we are measuring that competency in senior capstone presentations, which are not required of all students.
  • It’s also included in the general education learning goals
  • Many majors have oral competencies, but there is no university-wide requirement.
  • Many, if not most, of our first-year and mid-level composition courses include an oral communication component, but it is not required.
  • Mulitmodal communication (including speaking) is a goal--but not a primary goal--of first-year writing
  • Oral communication is also part of the 2nd-year writing course.
  • Oral communication across the curriculum is encouraged but not required
  • Oral communication is (1) part of GenEd AND (2) part of FYC
  • Oral communication is a component of the Common Course and another core course called Principles of Communication.
  • Oral communication is a learning objective in our General Education curriculum, but there is no specific requirement.
  • Oral communication is a learning outcome of a core set of first-year classes, including first-year writing.
  • Oral communication is a part of most of our FYC classes and 200- and upper level writing classes, but it is not a formal goal or institutional requirement
  • Oral communication is a required component of each department's learning goals and curriculum.
  • Oral communication is a required part of our Rhetoric minor and an elective course for non-Rhetoric minors. We offer intro and advanced courses.
  • Oral communication is a small piece of our core general education courses.
  • Oral Communication is a soft part of the two-course writing sequence here, but is more explicitly and thoroughly addressed in a public speaking course via the Communication department. This public speaking course is the primary (but not only) way that students satisfy their GE Humanities requirement.
  • Oral communication is accepted as a way to fulfill the Communication Intensive requirement in courses across the disciplines.
  • We offer oral communication courses although they are not required

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