2017 Four-Year Institution Survey

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What other curricular requirements have writing as an explicit goal? (n=55)

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  • A 3000-level core course that all majors take
  • The General Education program has classes with writing as a learning outcome (every class has 2 of 6 learning outcomes; written communication is one learning outcome)
  • Research Writing in the Sciences (Biology majors)
  • Second semester or second year seminar course
  • Since 2014-15 Learning Outcomes, including Written Communication, have been attached to a number of undergrad, general ed courses as well as some "Knowledge and Understanding" areas including "Humanities"--LOs are based on AACU LEAP VALUE rubrics
  • some departmental learning goals
  • Some gen ed courses.
  • Some programs have capstones (the English degree requires a senior capstone project, for instance; requirement is not consistent across all majors, however). All students are required to complete what are called "Field Periods" (small internships; outside of the college experiences). Field Periods require a summative written document.
  • Some programs have writing-centric outcomes.
  • sophomore-year seminar (WID), and junior seminar (in major)
  • Specific upper-level courses in certain disciplines.
  • Students in various majors take seminars, capstone courses, or thesis courses that have writing as an explicit goal. It varies by major.
  • Tech Writing classes (we are a STEM school)
  • The writing requirement works in tandem with college- or program-based communication requirements. Those vary by college.
  • Reflective writing is a major component of the common course, a course team-taught by faculty from different disciplines and taken by all students.
  • Third-year project (degree requirement for all students)
  • Two courses in our Bridge General Education program are part of the Writing Intensive requirement: GEN199 for first-year students; GEN400 for juniors/seniors
  • Two writing intensive classes, one of which must be in the major
  • WAC Requirement
  • We are transitioning from 2 required writing-intensive courses in each major to WEC in each major. So right now, there is a mix.
  • We have a 3-semester Core sequence that has writing as an outcome.
  • We have a four-year seminar sequence that includes writing as one of the LGOs.
  • We have a General Education Curriculum (the Common Core) that requires all approved courses to have a significant writing requirement with revision work. We also have courses approved for the common core which are designated as IT1, which is Reading, Research, and Writing. These courses must satisfy an approved list of writing outcomes.
  • We require a proficiency exam taken after the student has completed 75 credit hours.
  • WI courses for specific majors in STEM and business, but is not a part of the Gen Ed requirement
  • Writing Intensive GE Courses
  • Required assessments to measure communication competencies across the degree program
  • one of our Principles of Undergraduate Learning is Core Communication, which includes writing. Also, many degree programs on campus have a second-level writing requirement, which may include courses taught by our Writing Program, or a course taught in that particular School (such as Engineering or Business)
  • A digital portfolio students begin in First-Year Composition and continue to develop in their upper-division WI courses
  • Every major has specifically identified courses at a variety of levels.
  • A diversity seminar at the 200 level
  • A first-year requirement called Thinking Matters includes writing assignments, though Thinking Matters courses are note considered part of the writing requirement. Introductory Seminars may include writing but are elective courses.
  • A two-semester General Education requirement called "Connections."
  • All Core classes (Module 1, 2, and 3) require some writing. Senior projects involve WID.
  • As part of the new Writing Enriched graduation requirement, students must take two writing Enriched courses within their major above the FYE courses.
  • BFA Thesis in visual art (required for all students ) have an artist statement as a writing requirement
  • Communication college-wide learning goal, integrated into all programs
  • community literacy internship at the graduate level; capstone project for minor, bilingual writing certificate, MA and PhD
  • courses designated writing intensive
  • Developing and Communicating your Professional Identity, WRT 273; First-Year Seminars, which may but do not need to be used as a possible substitute for first-year writing.
  • Each major has a writing emphasis course.
  • For all BA students, 2 writing intensive courses at the upper level.
  • New "Habits of Mind" gen ed courses
  • Foundations 111 is a required course for all incoming freshmen in their first semester; it focuses on critical thinking/reading skills and has composition skills as one of its three explicit skill development goals.
  • General Education classes all have a writing requirement. Most majors also have a writing-emphasis course.
  • General Education courses with Social World designations are expected to include some writing
  • In the College of Arts and Science, students are required to participate in the Core Curriculum, one stream of which has writing goals. They are also required to take a FYS, which also have explicit writing goals but are not part of a writing requirement.
  • In the Gen. Ed. program students must take two communication intensive courses.
  • Junior Inquiry which serves as a capstone for Gen Ed
  • Junior level writing in the major courses.
  • Junior major qualifying exams
  • Junior-level milestone experience
  • major courses with writing fellows assigned
  • Most departments have writing as a learning outcome.
  • Year-long first-year sequence

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