2017 Four-Year Institution Survey

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What is the content for the first or only semester of FYC? Check all that apply - Other - Text (n=64)

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  • A main component of our writing program that is not on this list is Rhetoric. FYS at [this institution] is not run by the writing program. There is a writing learning objective but we really have no input on curriculum pr pedagogy.
  • The topic for the first class is rhetoric.
  • process
  • public genres (e.g., op-ed, PSA)
  • Rhetoric (3 responses)
  • Rhetoric and composition
  • rhetoric, argumentation, and process
  • Rhetorical Concepts
  • Rhetorical theory, analysis and production of arguments
  • Rhetroical approach to teaching writing (audience, context, purpose; ethos, pathos, logos
  • Some faculty incorporate on cultural materials other than literature. Also, faculty use a mix of these approaches. No single course does all of this.
  • Students focus on academic writing through textual (non-literary analysis) and research-based writing.
  • The official recommended content is essays & poetry. This said, faculty also teach a range of other additional genres: film, photography, etc.
  • The only strictly required FYC course is Comp 2, which is research-focused. About 70% of undergrads also take at least Comp 1, which is genre-based.
  • There are general parameters for assignments, conferencing, portfolios, content, etc. However, individual instructors may also include themes, waw, teaching for transfer, etc.
  • Personal to Public
  • There is a common assignment as the last writing assignment so that students have a similar experience regardless of the teacher.
  • These courses have a source-based research writing requirement, but the specifics are up the individual instructors.
  • Transfer and research may start in ENG 101. But the focus is on "analysis and argument"
  • We are moving the program towards codified standards and have created an approved book list, and prohibitions (not teaching literature or creative writing) and requirements (such as distinguishing Comp I from Comp II by using rhetorical modes or other similar ways to incorporate greater or higher-order and critical thinking in Comp II than what we do in Comp I), but we are a work in process now in that area.
  • We follow WPA outcomes, and instructors have varied approaches. Writing a research paper is an expectation.
  • We have a two-semester "stretch" option that also meets the first-year writing requirement which aligns to the same content listed above.
  • We have common Identified Learning Outcomes for our FYW courses, but FT instructors have the liberty in the way they accomplish them, adjunct faculty are required to use the same test as the First Year Writing Coordinator which is Writing About Writing.
  • We have goals and practices that are expected to be met and followed, but besides requiring a multimodal assignment, instructors can meet those expectations in whatever way they want.
  • We have rhetorically based first-year writing courses (with emphases on audience, contexts, and purposes for writing and an additional emphasis on writing process). General education written communication requirement includes the following learning goal: "Write texts, in various forms, with an identified purpose, that respond to specific audience needs, integrate research or existing knowledge, and use applicable documentation and appropriate conventions of format and structure." In addition, department criteria state that students should be required to produce multiple drafts of writing projects and produce 25 pages of polished prose by the end of the semester. Teachers develop syllabi according to those outcomes.
  • We still have a "general writing" progression that include three papers, one analyzing a text, one analyzing a visual image, and a slightly longer research paper. The readings are relatively short nonfiction pieces.
  • We teach argumentation and rhetoric through a course theme chosen by each professor.
  • We use google docs and a shared google drive so that the writing the students do is read by all and used in the next assignment. "Content" is each other's writing.
  • WID: can take the form of a genre, rhetoric, or writing about writing course
  • Plagiarism
  • Our FYC course has outcomes in common, with an emphasis on rhetorical reading and writing. Students typically work with published non-fiction texts of various kinds (including scholarly and other articles, print and online, as well as books, videos, films, and images). Some emphasis is put on information literacy. Analysis is emphasized more than "argument." Some sections have a somewhat thematic focus, others do not.
  • Academic writing
  • FYC is a studio linked to the FYS so we use a common text (They Say/I Say) and similar assignment types (close reading, analysis, comparison, etc) as well as working on general writing and revision skills in both classes
  • Analysis
  • Argument is a central part of our first-year writing courses, as is developing critical awareness of writing choices. Note: In previous question about number of semesters, I was forced to select one answer, but in truth, the number of semesters and number of hours per week depend on the FYC version.
  • Depends on the faculty. The only requirement is number of finished pages, a revision process with faculty feedback, and four shared course goals. The goals are broad enough to fit just about anything (they date to before we had a Writing Coordinator, when the whole faculty came together to vote on all central curriculum course goals). About 90% of our faculty (all ranks) who teach FYC have taken a teaching for transfer workshop, and most of them chose to incorporate key elements into their syllabi.
  • Digital writing
  • Each instructor works to meet a list of stated objectives for the course by playing to his/her strengths with respect to reading and writing assignments and genre/modes and research. That said, it's safe to say all faculty teaching the course use some literature, however broadly construed (may be a New Yorker article) and include assignments that involve writing with sources.
  • Faculty can develop a theme for the course, but it's not required. Faculty can also use the book chosen for the First-year common read, but it's not required
  • Faculty have complete freedom with their syllabi, so the curricula and the methods vary. Most classes include some combination of the options listed above.
  • Faculty have some freedom to choose how to teach FYC, as long as they meet the LGOs. Also, some of our students are required to take three semesters of composition, if they place into ENGL 100: Developmental Writing. Those students typically complete the sequence in the fall of their sophomore year.
  • Focus on understanding linguistic diversity
  • For both FYC and FYWS, each instructor adhers to a common set of goals, but have freedom to create the course around those goals through a theme.
  • For FYC: a home-grown sequence of assignments For the seminars: it's wide open
  • For the course, there is a required text that can be supplemented by other outside readings. There is a requirement of 3-4 essays, a departmental midterm and a departmental final exam.
  • FYC follows a rhetoric-focused curriculum, with some attention to genre and academic research, but a primary focus on rhetorical concepts.
  • FYWS-type courses at [the institution] have content that varies with the disciplines that offer them.
  • Our first semester course begins with primary research and slowly builds in instructor supplied sources to teach different types of sources and research. Our FYC classes have BOTH a departmental syllabus as well as a shorter supplemental instructor syllabus. Instructors are given a skeletal structure of assignment types but develop their own specific assignments to meet the goals.
  • Genre is, to me, different from modes. I'd say our first course is heavily informed by genre theory.
  • grammar
  • Honestly, the program as I found it when arriving here last year was pretty chaotic. Some folks do teach research; some don't. Some do teach modes (as in 1950s modes); some don't. This year will be the last time that we teach this course, though. Thank goodness.
  • I think a rhetorical genre-based approach is different from "modes," so I had a hard time checking that box.
  • information literacy
  • inquiry
  • Instructor may choose other type of content
  • Instructors pick their own course readings to teach from.
  • It is a traditional expository model approach.
  • It's an expository writing course which uses a non-fiction reader for students to write thesis-driven essays. There is also a research skills requirement, fulfilled by an annotated bibliography assignment.
  • Note that we use a genre approach throughout the writing curriculum. The option above conflates genre with modes; in our program, we see these as two separate approaches (with a "modes" approach being problematic)
  • Our central focus is research-based argument and persuasion.
  • Our first course focuses mainly on developing students knowledge of writing processes, critical reading strategies, and persuasive writing.
  • Writing as a conversation. Writing to change the world.

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