2017 Four-Year Institution Survey

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Since AY 2012/13, what have been the changes to the first-year curriculum or enrollment caps at your institution? Check all that apply. - Other - Text (n=21)

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  • A common textbook added
  • Portfolios are required for all FYC courses
  • We update curriculum after each assessment cycle.
  • We have changed the curriculum but those changes will not take place until Fall 2019. Currently, our program remains the same as depicted in the previous census.
  • We have a cap of 20, but 18 for Honors and 15 for International. Also, if a person is teaching three comp classes, the cap is lowerd for all three (i.e. this semester a person's caps were lowerd to 16)
  • These changes are starting AY 2017-2018
  • The state revised the course descriptions and assessment requirements. It also reorganized developmental writing instruction, placing most students directly into FYC.
  • The first official year that FYW was offered was 2014-2015. Before this, FYW could only be achieved through transfer credit or through taking an upper division writing course.
  • SLO revision; lab added
  • pre-req course added
  • Experiential learning was added
  • a FYC first semester tutorial with course-based peer tutor from Writing Center replaced Basic Writing and is capped at 15
  • Eliminated a remedial writing course
  • curriculum experimentation in preparation for a curriculum redesign summer 2018
  • Course caps in honors were raised.
  • Change in sequence, courses, SLOs, cap, placement, and assessment
  • Caps change per semester and are often dictated by upper administration for the university
  • As new composition instructors are hired, recommendations about syllabi and assignments are discussed with the Writing Center Director.
  • Added a new version of the first-year writing course
  • A new common text was added.
  • While there are university course caps in place, the department chair changes the course caps for FYW courses on a semester-by-semester basis.

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