2017 Four-Year Institution Survey

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Since AY 2012/13, what have been the changes to the first-year writing requirement at your institution? Check all that apply. - Other - Text (n=54)

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  • "English Composition" shifted to "Writing in Context" (topic-based writing seminars)
  • sorry, messed up previous question
  • location in the core was changed
  • Objectives
  • Our second first-year writing class became required of all students; until this past year, a couple of the colleges within our university did not require this second course
  • Our state adopted a transfer matrix which put some statewide guidelines and requirements on course content.
  • reduction in class size
  • requirement can now be fulfilled by 2 first year courses or by second semester first year course and a junior level course
  • Revised our rubric
  • Revised outcomes
  • Second semester was moved to year two
  • Since AY 2012-13, the parameters in both FYW courses (semester 1 and 2) have been changed. Those changes are local to the courses and based on departmental policy changes (which effected the track of the major assignments in each course).
  • Students do not take a FYC any more
  • Goals
  • students may no longer take it twice for credit
  • System alignment of course titles, outcomes, descriptions.
  • The content for the course was changed from literary-based to critical-thinking focused.
  • The General Education category of Written Communication was added (replacing the generic "Communication" category). This means that English 102 is 100% guarenteed to be the general education course fulfilling the Written Communication requirement.
  • The institution dropped the distribution credit attached to the course. It is now a standalone requirement.
  • the learning outcomes were changed and the courses were sequenced
  • The program changed but did not change in size (The required FY Seminar + optional writing studio were added)
  • We are now required by the state to accpet an AP 3 for FY credit.
  • We changed our Basic Writing course to a co-requisite with Comp I.
  • We revised the learning outcomes of both courses to reflect best practices in composition pedagogy.
  • writing goals made explicit and revised
  • Goals and Practices
  • FYC was standardized
  • 1 year of English for international students was added
  • Change in learning outcomes, requirement for portfolio was added
  • 30-hour requirement added (i.e., students must meet FYC requirements within first two years)
  • a pre-req course added
  • A residential requirement for FYC was added, meaning first-year students are required to take FYC at our institution. Students transferring in as sophomore-juniors can transfer in credit for FYC
  • addition of an e-portfolio
  • all new curriculum
  • AP exemption was changed and the course was redesigned; a second "humanities and writing" course was replaced by a writing in the disciplines requirement
  • As this is my first semester in this position, I am still learning about past changes.
  • assesment driven course revisions
  • Basic Writing Courses were eliminated
  • Basic Writing courses were eliminated (we had already done this, but this was also a CSU Executive Order in 2018.)
  • Change from FYS to FYWS + dramatic change of outcomes
  • Change in sequence/requirement, moving from a placed-based three-course sequence to a directed-self-placed two course sequence where that first course has option for supplemental learning
  • FY Portfolio dropped
  • Change to curriculum
  • Changed remediation to stretch
  • Clarification on the requirement
  • Co requisite
  • combined written, visual and oral communication
  • Common Assignment in each of the courses
  • Course outcomes changed to focus on writing across the disciplines
  • Curricular focus
  • curricular revisions
  • Departments other than Writing and Rhetoric started offering writing courses.
  • Developmental comp was eliminated; the program was revamped
  • writing specified in FYS, placement exam, FYC for those who place in

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