2013 Four-Year Institution Survey

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What other forms of faculty development exist? (n=21)

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  • area groups
  • small group meetings about WID
  • weekly meetings
  • We offer two-day intensive workshops the week before classes begin. We then offer monthly seminars on special topics. We also hold monthly retreats for faculty to work on their own writing.
  • WC director offers help! And WC director offers option to join an interdisciplinary researcher team that is not a formal part of the process.
  • WAC website for the institution with resources and forums for discussion
  • Technology assistance
  • summer support for curriculum development
  • Summer orientation - full day for new WIP faculty/half day for returning WIP faculty. Bi-annual newsletter which features faculty profiles and a selection of resources for teaching writing.
  • Summer 2-day institute.
  • required full-day orienation for all graduate students teaching or assisting with W courses
  • brown bag sessions; food provided at events where participation is not required, stipend for opting into seminars
  • Reading/scoring summer writing exercise and FYS portfolios
  • Reading groups, faculty forums
  • newsletters, blogs, podcasts, website
  • mini-workshops on campus and multi-day workshops on campus
  • in-class collaborative lessons directed to students but with support from the writing center and director of university writing; monthly newsletter and on-line feature; yearly showcase of faculty work on teaching and assessing writing; monthly faculty discussion lunches. Faculty are not REQUIRED to attend any of these programs, but those who participate have gotten food and in the past received a small stipend.
  • faculty learning communities and book groups
  • Faculty Learning Communities
  • department consultations with WAC consultants; optional seminars for TAs
  • Yes, we sponsor an annual training event in August each summer. In addition, we provide ongoing consultation to faculty and departments who seek our assistance with WAC and WID. We have also reached out to departments undergoing departmental review under the auspices of WID. to These conversations are intended to facilitate an analysis of a students’ learning trajectory in a program and the ways in which written work – either formal or informal – might be used to facilitate the learning experience for students in the major. Faculty are also able to enroll in a workshop that launches them on a process of scholarly inquiry related to the writing pedagogy they have employed.

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