2013 Four-Year Institution Survey

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What is the other content of the FYWS requirement? (n=11)

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  • "humanities" reading--philosophy, science, politics...
  • analytical reading and writing, composed by individual faculty and ratified by faculty committee
  • first-year seminar research topics proposed by professors
  • rhetoric
  • some faculty use a genre based approach, but not required
  • The first course in our two-course FYW sequence is a Literature and Composition course primarily taught through the English department. The second course, Global Research and Writing (GRW), is topic focused and taught by faculty across the curriculum
  • The Gen. Ed. sequence includes Lit., Phil., Art, Music, primary documents in the history of science, etc.
  • Two of our required writing instruction courses are integrative, interdisciplinary courses based on the themes of Self and Others (INT 11) and Building Community (INT 21), and each section may have a focusing theme; the third writing instruction course is a disciplinary course taught as a WID course
  • We have one reading in common, and all sections use informal writing as a teaching method and assign essays using summary, analysis, and comparison/contrast as modes of development. Narrative and paraphrase are taught and used in informal writing, and rhetoric is explained as the foundational discipline behind the assignments.
  • We invite instructors to approach broadly described learning outcomes using in whatever content they're comfortable with, but these are common program emphases.
  • WID based

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