2013 Two-Year Institution Survey

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If there were any additional changes to the writing program or the sites of writing at your institution not already mentioned, please explain. (n=46)

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  • A half time WAC coordinator position was added and three full time faculty were given a course release to work in the Writing Center
  • We have restructured our developmental writing courses and added several accelerated versions tht allow the capable students to move forward more quickly. The Writing Center began offering online feedback several years ago, and as the school's learning platform shifted from Angel to Canvas, we have changed to that as well.
  • The state instituted statewide learning outcomes for composition
  • The state Joint Boards Articulation Committee changed the 3-term writing requirement to 2 terms ([the state] is on a quarter system)
  • The Writing Center moved to a much larger space to accommodate the growing number of student use and for wheel-chair accessibility.
  • The Writing Center split from the Learning Center
  • The writing center was created in 2013 as an addition to the tutoring available through the Learning Services department.
  • There is a Reading Center, open 19 hours/week up the hall from the Writing Center. We refer students back and forth.
  • tutoring center developed and resources (computers) added; tutoring centers established at 7 campuses.
  • We have expanded access to first-year composition.
  • We have seen an increase in accellerated and compressed courses that cover the course content of 2 sections of ENGL in 8 weeks each for a total of a 16 week course.
  • The size of the facility has grown considerably, more computer stations have been added, and more work-study students have been hired.
  • We have two spaces for students to seek out tutoring: the Writing Center is designated for students in college level writing courses; the Academic Skills Center is designated for students enrolled in developmental writing courses. The Academic Skills Center was recently renovated to add a classroom for developmental English classes. The proximity of the classroom to the Skills Center will facilitate easy movement between the two for students.
  • We implemented the ALP program and dropped the lowest level of basic writing.
  • We were moved from the English Department (Dean of Gen. Ed. Division) to the Dean of Academic Services
  • When the Writing Across the Curriculum Lab was added, the College-Level Writing Center was modified to be a center that only worked with student writing for their English classes. In an unrelated move, developmental Writing and Reading classes were merged.
  • Writing Center became centralized.
  • Writing Center has physically moved three times in last 10 years; Writing Center joined Academic Success/Skills Center
  • Writing Director position created and filled.
  • Writing program adopts new curriculum to include APA, library research goals and objectives, campus-wide WAC program
  • Yes, when our ENG 112 (Comp part II) was rewritten from Argmument-Based Research to Writing and Research in the Disciplines, WAC gained a lot interest, and other departments agreed to teach the writing conventions of their fields instead of leaving all writing instruction to English.
  • The state required all public universities to convert from quarters to semesters, which had a tremendous impact on our courses.
  • The Development English courses and curriculum tied to the Writing Center have changed. We now serve four levels below basic (vs. three) and administer course packs of curriculum.
  • Added WAC Director
  • First-year Technical Writing option was added
  • Addition of diagnostic tools, online services & Web site
  • Basic writing courses were redesigned in response to a new state law that caps remedial education to one semester, and to have the basic course better prepare students for credit level work.
  • Basic writing was moved from the English Department to a newly created Developmental Studies Department.
  • curriculum changes; placement scoring changes
  • Developmental education redesign, refocused comp 1 and 2 to teach multi-genre
  • Developmental redesign
  • Directed Learning Activities (DLAs) and Workshops were added to the curriculum. Writing assistance was opened up to the entire campus rather than being available only to two English courses.
  • Extension site added
  • Faculty Reading Lab and Faculty Writing Lab positions were dissolved and replaced with tutors contracted hourly on individual basis
  • Funding was cut for additional Writing Skills Specialists
  • The common textbooks that are mandatory for adjunct use have been replaced to reveal shifts in curricular approach. The first semester course text no longer features a modes driven textbook and now emphasizes reading college level texts, analysis, inquiry and research. The second semester textbook is no longer a literature anthology and is now an argument text.
  • Honors program hired one student peer tutor.
  • Implementation of Fast-Track courses for developmental level writing courses, combining two courses into one semester to get students to freshman level more quickly.
  • In 2009, our writing center was a small room with one peer tutor. Now it is a large system-wide system which includes math tutoring and developmental tutoring sites as well as writing tutoring
  • Major implementation of AcceleratedLearning Program combining ENGL 095 (developmental) and ENGL 121 in the same semester with the same instructor.
  • New location
  • Our Speaking & Writing Center was significantly expanded and moved to a new location.
  • Reduced hours for classified staff in Learning Center.
  • some faculty professional development in comp/rhet for all writing faculty was mandated (5 hours/year)
  • Students in Expository Writing are now required to submit rough drafts of all major assignments to Smarthinking, the online tutorial service we use.
  • [The College]was legistratively split from universities in [the state]. We have moved off their campus into our own building with separate services established.

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