2013 Two-Year Institution Survey

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What are the job responsibilities for writing administrators? (n=96)

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FYWD (n=14)WAC director (n=8)WCD (n=85)
Teach courses in the first-year writing program12527
Teach courses in the writing program/department (not FYW)3521
Teach courses outside the writing program/department5117
Assess all or some aspects of the writing program11411
Assess the development of student writing on campus3214
Conduct faculty development with faculty across the disciplines7825
Consult with individual faculty across the disciplines7855
Consult with departments across the disciplines7848
Supervise professional staff (writing center director, asst.director, admin asst.)336
Supervise tutors (professional and/or peer)177
Hire professional staff6138
Hire tutors282
Schedule writing courses42
Schedule writing center270
Place students into writing courses45
Facilitate placement exam312
Oversee curriculum development111
Train professional staff730
Train peer tutors268
Advertise program4463
Oversee program budget4245
Tutor students150
Plan events7346
Serve on university committees12564
Maintain program website2445
Serve as an academic advisor7224
Offer student workshops4458
Oversee exemption and/or transfer credit512

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