2013 Two-Year Institution Survey

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What is the "other" content of the FYW requirement? (n=26)

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  • 101--argument-based
  • non-fiction analysis and explication
  • writing in the disciplines
  • up to instructor
  • The content is college-level writing: our program is based on the principles of analytical writing laid out in Writing Analytically, by Rossenwasser and Stephen
  • technical writing
  • syllabi are individual but must share common goals and objectives
  • rhetorically based
  • rhetoric and research
  • research-based argument
  • Research
  • Patterns of Development
  • narrative/book/ primary source investigation
  • 75% of all reading must be non-fiction in ENGL 101.
  • multi-modal genres
  • instructors pick pedagogical approaches, but we have common goals to accomplish. They are all aware that they can use literature but cannot teach writing as if it was a lit. course. Some instructors use themes, some use WAC, some use writing about writing.
  • In order to keep English 101 courses unified, instructors will assign the following: o Reading: Assign to read at least twelve texts (such as essays, articles, chapters of books in a variety of styles, modes, and purposes by both student and professional writers) along with either a novel, collection of short stories, or book-length work of literary nonfiction o Writing: Require 4000 to 5000 words of revised/edited prose, or the equivalent of five to seven individual essays Research on student chosen topics--102
  • forms of writing encoutered while in community college (narrative, informative, analysis and persuasive)
  • Faculty use different methods for achieving the course outcomes; I would like to see more writing about writing approaches, but I can't honestly say that people are using that approach despite how smart it is!!!!
  • Faculty choose content within parameters of course description and SLOs.
  • depends on instructor
  • argumentation and research
  • argument, analysis, synthesis
  • accessing analyzing using information (AAUI)
  • academic writing and argument
  • writing topics determined by the instructor but research paper and wordage required

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