Central Arizona College2013 Institution Survey

Sites of Writing--General Description

Does your institution have an official writing program or department? (n=118)


Does your institution have first-year writing? (n=217)


Is first-year writing part of the writing program or department? (n=152)


If not part of the writing program or department, what is the institutional home for first-year writing? (n=63)

English Department

Does your institution have writing across the curriculum (WAC)? (n=204)


Does your institution have writing in the disciplines (WID)? (n=198)


Is writing in the disciplines part of the writing program or department? (n=61)


If not part of the writing program or department, what is the institutional home for writing in the disciplines? (n=33)

English Department

Does your institution have a writing center or learning center with writing tutors? (n=219)


Is the writing center part of the writing program or department? (n=198)


If not part of the writing program or department, what is the institutional home for the writing center? (n=171)

Independent Unit

Does your institution have basic writing courses? (n=220)


Is basic writing part of the writing program or department? (n=199)


If not part of the writing program or department, what is the institutional home for the basic writing program? (n=136)

English Department

Sites of Writing--Writing Requirement

Does your institution have a writing requirement? (n=216)


What does the writing requirement at your institution consist of? (n=106)

First-year composition predominately taught by English and/or Writing department (FYC)

Writing-intensive courses that are located throughout the curriculum (WI courses)

Are there curricular requirements that are not part of the writing requirement but that have writing as an explicit goal? (n=211)


Sites of Writing--College Writing Goals

Are there college-wide student writing goals? (n=216)


Have the goals been influenced by the WPA Outcomes Statement? (n=106)


How are the college-wide student writing goals assessed? (n=113)

The goals are not assessed.

Who administers the assessment?

Students take an essay exam. (n=43)
Writing program director
Writing center director
Associate dean
Faculty committeeYes
Chair of the department

Who participates in the assessment?

Students take an essay exam. (n=43)
Writing program director
Writing center directorYes
Writing program faculty
English department facultyYes
Faculty from disciplines other than Writing and EnglishYes
Readers outside the institution
Associate dean

Sites of Writing--Community College Survey of Student Engagement

Does your institution administer the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)? (n=219)


How does your writing program use the CCSSE data? (n=139)


Support curricular changes

Sites of Writing--Changes to Writing Program

Have there been changes to the writing program or sites of writing at your institution in the past 10 years? (n=219)


Were there changes to the writing requirement in the past 10 years? (n=193)


Were there changes to the assessment of writing at your institution over the past 10 years? (n=194)


Which changes have taken place in regards to assessment? (n=133)

A college-wide assessment was added.

A college-wide assessment was expanded.

Were there any changes to the administrative structures of the writing program or the sites of writing over the past 10 years? (n=195)


Which administrative structures of the writing program or the sites of writing changed? (n=100)

Additional full-time WPA/WCD positions were created.

Was the writing program changed in the past 10 years to expand or eliminate areas? (n=191)


How did the writing program change? (n=98)

A writing center was added.

Were there changes to the staffing of the writing program or center over the past 10 years? (n=194)


Which changes to the staffing of the writing program or center have taken place over the past 10 years? (n=114)

Peer tutoring positions were added.

Professional tutoring positions were added.

Were there any additional changes to the writing program or the sites of writing at your institution not already mentioned? (n=193)


Do you foresee changes to the administrative, curricular, or support structures of the sites of writing at your institution over the next five years? (n=217)


First-Year Writing/ English Composition--General Description

Does your institution have a first-year writing requirement, whether explicit or embedded? (n=217)


How many semesters/courses of first-year writing are required? (n=142)


First-Year Writing/ English Composition--Placement and Transfer

Does your institution allow students to place out of the first semester first-year writing requirment? (n=134)


Does your institution allow students to place out of the second semester of first-year writing requirment? (n=105)


What is the program’s placement mechanism? (n=98)

AP test

Does your institution accept transfer credit for first semester first-year writing requirements? (n=139)


Does your institution accept transfer credit for second semester first-year writing requirements? (n=121)


Who approves transfer credit for FYW courses? (n=138)


Department chair

First-Year Writing/ English Composition--Goals and Assessment

Are there explicit goals for the first-year writing requirement? (n=141)


Are the goals informed by the WPA Outcomes Statement? (n=127)


How are the goals for FYW courses assessed? (n=124)

Random sample

Professor evaluation

Who participates in the assessment of the goals for FYW courses? (n=116)

Writing faculty

Institutional faculty

English faculty

Department chair

First-Year Writing/ English Composition--Curriculum

What is the content of the FYW requirement? See Note 5. (n=139)

Genre/ Modes

Writing About Writing (WAW)


Is there a common syllabus for FYW courses? (n=139)


First-Year Writing/ English Composition--Enrollment Caps

What is the enrollment cap for regular sections of the FYW requirement? (n=146)


If there is a second semester FYW requirement, what is the the enrollment cap for regular sections? (n=119)


What is the enrollment cap for sections of basic writing of the FYW requirement? (n=133)


If there is a second semester FYW requirement, what is the the enrollment cap for basic writing sections? (n=101)


First-Year Writing/ English Composition--Staffing

In the 2013-14 academic year, what percentage of sections of the first semester writing course were taught by full-time, tenure-line faculty in the English Department? See Note 4. (n=105)


In the 2013-14 academic year, what percentage of sections of the first semester writing course were taught by full-time, tenure-line faculty in the rhetoric/composition department or program? See Note 4. (n=105)


In the 2013-14 academic year, what percentage of sections of the first semester writing course were taught by full-time, tenure-line faculty from departments besides English and rhetoric/composition? See Note 4. (n=105)


In the 2013-14 academic year, what percentage of sections of the first semester writing course were taught by full-time, non-tenure line faculty in the English Department? See Note 4. (n=105)


In the 2013-14 academic year, what percentage of sections of the first semester writing course were taught by full-time, non-tenure line faculty in the rhetoric/composition department or program? See Note 4. (n=105)


In the 2013-14 academic year, what percentage of sections of the first semester writing course were taught by full-time, non-tenure line faculty from departments besides English and rhetoric/composition? See Note 4. (n=105)


In the 2013-14 academic year, what percentage of sections of the first semester writing course were taught by part-time faculty hired by the English Department? See Note 4. (n=105)


In the 2013-14 academic year, what percentage of sections of the first semester writing course were taught by part-time faculty hired by the rhetoric/composition department or program?


In the 2013-14 academic year, what percentage of sections of the first semester writing course were taught by the WPA? See Note 4. (n=105)


In the 2013-14 academic year, what percentage of sections of the first semester writing course were taught by other? See Note 4. (n=105)


If there is a second semester requirement, was it staffed similarly? (n=91)


Is there faculty or professional development available for those teaching in the first-year writing program? (n=129)


What form does the faculty development take for first-year writing faculty? (n=107)

Optional faculty development workshops

Do those attending receive additional compensation? (n=106)


Identifying and supporting diversely-prepared students--General Description

Does your institution identify students who may need additional writing support, including students whose primary language is not English? (n=220)


How does the institution identify these students? (n=157)

Directed Self-Placement

Placement Test

Advisor referral

Faculty referral

Student self-referral

What types of supports are available to these students? (n=161)

Required basic writing course

Peer tutoring

Professional tutoring, not the WPA or WCD

Tutoring from the WPA or WCD


Identifying and supporting diversely-prepared students--Basic Writing

Does the institution have a formal basic writing program? (n=154)


What percentage of the student body is placed into basic writing? See Note 4. (n=84)


How are students placed into basic writing? (n=127)

Placement test

How do students exit basic writing? (n=125)

Passing grade in BW course

Is there a director of basic writing? (n=127)


What is the structure of the basic writing program? (n=125)

Prerequisite model

Intensive model

Mainstreaming model

How many levels of basic writing are there? (n=103)


What is the curriculum of the basic writing courses? (n=126)


Sentence writing

Paragraph writing

Reading and writing

Identifying and supporting diversely-prepared students--Support for English Language Learners (ELLs)

Is there support for English Language Learners (ELLs)? (n=144)


Is support for ELLs separate from basic writing? (n=126)


What type of supports are available for ELLs? (n=124)

Professional tutoring, not the WPA or WCD

Tutoring from the WPA or WCD



Does your institution offer ELL writing classes? (n=125)


Writing across the curriculum (WAC) and writing beyond the first year--General Description

Does your institution have a WAC/WID program and/or a writing requirement beyond the first year? (n=203)


Writing centers--General description

Does your institution have a writing center or learning center with writing tutors? (n=219)


Administrative Structures

Who has primary responsibility for administering the first-year writing requirement? (n=127)

Chair of the English department

Are there others who help to administer the FYW program? (n=131)


If others help to administer the FYW program, how many? (n=51)