Hamilton College2017 Institution Survey
The undergraduate and graduate writing major and minor--Description of Undergraduate Major
The undergraduate and graduate writing major and minor--Description of Undergraduate Minor
The undergraduate and graduate writing major and minor--Description of Graduate Programs
Does your institution offer a masters degree (MA) in writing (not creative writing)?
Does your institution have a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) program in writing (not creative writing)?
The undergraduate and graduate writing major and minor--Changes to the Major, Minor, or Graduate Programs
Do you foresee changes to the administrative, curricular, or support structures of the writing major, minor, or graduate programs at your institution over the next four years?
Basic or Developmental Writing--Basic or Developmental Writing
Does your institution identify basic writing students who may need additional writing support?
How does the institution identify basic writers? Check all that apply.
Directed Self-Placement
TOEFL scores
Admissions office/Student Affairs referral
Faculty referral
Student self-referral
What type of supports are available for basic writers? Check all that apply.
Targeted optional writing courses
Professional tutoring--not including from WPA or WCD
What type of supports are available for basic writers? Check all that apply. - Other - Text
[The institution] requires all students to complete 3 writing intensive courses within the first two years, preferably. The ESOL program offers two full credit writing intensive academic courses available to all students but targeting NNSs. Teaching fellows, faculty, spouses and family members are welcome in the courses as are native English speakers. I do not discriminate! One of the courses focuses on a cross discipline curriculum, including lectures by a collective of guest professors.
What is the structure of your basic writing program? Check all that apply. (See Glossary for an explanation of terms)
Directed self-placement
Mainstreaming model
What is the curriculum of the basic writing courses? Check all that apply.
Sentence writing
Paragraph writing
Reading and writing
What is the curriculum of the basic writing courses? Check all that apply. - Other - Text
The ESOL courses include a comprehensive instruction on a discipline oriented writing expectations and requirements, including the narrative, descriptive, expository, persuasive, argumentative and analytical essays. We also cover journalistic reporting, lab reports and computer language as needed or requested.
How do students exit basic writing? Check all that apply.
Passing grade in basic writing course
Basic or Developmental Writing--Changes to Basic or Developmental Writing
Do you foresee changes to the administrative, curricular, or support structures for helping diversely prepared students at your institution over the next four years?
Feel free to explain your answer.
An external review of the program will take place in S2019. I am currently doing research concerning placement testing, core academic writing standards for multilingual domestic and international students and specific space allocated for these students on campus. I am also interested in placement testing for NS students as I think the US school system lacks writing intensive requirements in school curriculums.
Multilingual Writing Support--Multilingual Writing Support: General
Is there support for domestic and international English Language Learners (ELLs)?
Yes, for both domestic and international
What percentage of the student body is placed into ELL writing courses, both required and optional?
What is the institutional home of the ELL writing courses? - Other - Text
independent program
Who has primary responsibility for administering support for English Language Learners?
Full-time non-tenure line director/coordinator
Multilingual Writing Support--Multilingual Writing Support: Domestic Students
What type of supports are available for domestic English Language Learners (ELLs)? Check all that apply.
Targeted optional writing courses
Professional tutoring--not including from WPA or WCD
Multilingual Writing Support--Multilingual Writing Support: International Students
What type of supports are available for International English Language Learners (ELLs)? Check all that apply.
Targeted optional writing courses
Professional tutoring--not including from WPA or WCD
Multilingual Writing Support--Changes to Multilingual Writing Support
Since AY 2012/13, have there been changes to the support for English Language Learners (ELLs)?
Do you foresee changes to the administrative, curricular, or support structures for helping diversely prepared students at your institution over the next four years?
Feel free to explain your answer.
An external review of the program will take place in S2019. I am currently doing research concerning placement testing, core academic writing standards for multilingual domestic and international students and specific space allocated for these students on campus. I am also interested in placement testing for NS students as I think the US school system lacks writing intensive requirements in school curriculums.