Boston College2017 Institution Survey

Basic or Developmental Writing--Basic or Developmental Writing

Does your institution identify basic writing students who may need additional writing support?


How does the institution identify basic writers? Check all that apply.

Directed Self-Placement

What type of supports are available for basic writers? Check all that apply.

Required basic writing course

Special sections of FYW

Summer bridge program

Does your institution have a formal basic writing program?


What percentage of the student body is placed into basic writing?


What is the structure of your basic writing program? Check all that apply. (See Glossary for an explanation of terms)

Mainstreaming model

How many levels of basic writing do you have?


What is the curriculum of the basic writing courses? Check all that apply.

Reading and writing

How do students exit basic writing? Check all that apply.

Passing grade in basic writing course

Porfolio submission

Is there a Director of Basic Writing?


Basic or Developmental Writing--Changes to Basic or Developmental Writing

Since AY 2012/13, have there been changes to the support for basic writers?


What changes have there been to the support for basic writers? Check all that apply.

A new full-time staff director/coordinator/specialist position was created and filled.

Professional tutors were added to the writing center.

Multilingual Writing Support--Multilingual Writing Support: General

Is there support for domestic and international English Language Learners (ELLs)?

Yes, for both domestic and international

Is support for English Language Learners (ELLs) separate from basic writing?


What percentage of the student body is placed into ELL writing courses, both required and optional?


What is the institutional home of the ELL writing courses?

English department

Who has primary responsibility for administering support for English Language Learners?

Full-time staff director/coordinator

Multilingual Writing Support--Multilingual Writing Support: Domestic Students

Does your institution identify domestic English Language Learners (ELLs) who may need additional writing support?


How does the institution identify domestic English Language Learners? Check all that apply.

Directed Self-Placement

What type of supports are available for domestic English Language Learners (ELLs)? Check all that apply.

Required basic writing course

Special sections of FYW

Summer bridge program

Peer tutoring

Professional tutoring--not including from WPA or WCD

Multilingual Writing Support--Multilingual Writing Support: International Students

Does your institution identify international English Language Learners (ELLs) who may need additional writing support?


How does the institution identify International English Language Learners? Check all that apply.

International ELL Placement Test

What type of supports are available for International English Language Learners (ELLs)? Check all that apply.

Required basic writing course

Special sections of FYW

Peer tutoring

Professional tutoring--not including from WPA or WCD

Multilingual Writing Support--Changes to Multilingual Writing Support

Since AY 2012/13, have there been changes to the support for English Language Learners (ELLs)?


What changes have there been to the support for English Language Learners (ELLs)? Check all that apply.

A new full-time staff director/coordinator/specialist position was created and filled.

Professional tutors were added to the writing center.

Do you foresee changes to the administrative, curricular, or support structures for helping diversely prepared students at your institution over the next four years?


Feel free to explain your answer.

Developing a writing center with targeted support for ELL's

Administrative positions--Basic Writing Administrator (BWA)

How is the Basic Writing Administrator position (BWA) classified?


To whom does the BWA report?

Chair of the department

Assoc Dean or Provost

Was the BWA hired for this position?


Which of the following teaching responsibilities does the BWA have? Check all that apply.

Teach courses

Train tutors, TAs, or professional staff

faculty workshops

student workshops

On average, how many courses per year does the BWA teach?


On average, how many courses per year are reassigned for BWA administrative responsibilities?


Which of the following are the administrative responsibilities of the BWA?

Develop curriculum

Create Program Documents

Write grants

Conduct assessment

Consult with individual faculty or departments across the disciplines

Hire (tutors, professional staff, or teaching faculty)

Supervise (tutors, professional staff, or teaching faculty)

Mentor (tutors, professional staff, or teaching faculty)

Place students into writing courses

Facilitate placement exam

Advertise program

Oversee program budget

Plan events

Maintain program/department/center website

Serve on university committees

Serve as an academic advisor